one-on-one tutoring
Literacy Classes
Adult Tutoring:
Operation Read's Literacy Classes provide free instruction for adults 18 and older who want and need to improve basic reading skills. Typically, these adults are reading below a fifth-grade level.
Juvenile Probation Tutoring:
We partner with the Kosciusko County Probation Department to provide free tutoring to juveniles in their care who need help.
Child Tutoring:
Generally, we do not tutor children under the age of 18 since the school systems provide literacy coaches, and paras for every grade level to help those students struggling (and they do an amazing job!).
However, we realized a need to provide this free tutoring service (during the summer only) to help mitigate stress parents were expressing to us about the possibility their child would not pass into the next grade. We do not feel any parent should have to pay to help their child be able to read. (*We do not provide tutoring for children who have special needs: autism, down syndrome - we refer to Joe's Kids for these special tutoring needs)
Again, our school systems and teachers are amazing - we are simply helping fill a gap we encountered.
Skill Level:
Adult Beginning Readers
Warsaw Evangelical Presbyterian Church (see map below)
Please email to schedule.
Skill Level:
Adult Beginning Readers
Silver Lake Town Hall
(see map below)
Please email to schedule.
Skill Level:
Adult Beginning Readers
Taproot Tees - Go inside and we are upstairs (see map below)
Please email to schedule.